"Plus," I said, "not much has happened." I should have bitten my words. Saturday, we went to church---temperature in the 50's, but we did not believe the forecast of 3-8" of snow for Palm Sunday. We were right and wrong. It was officially 12.5" unofficially about 10" at our house. And, we didn't even get the "thunder snow" some areas got. Mind you, it started snowing while in the 40's and barely got below freezing so this is a h-e-a-v-y snow great for building snowmen, forts! The picture of my front door decorations and daffodils (before I rescued them) were from Sunday. The rest of these photos are from Monday after about 12 hours of snow.
My strategy of putting the van in the driveway to keep one part of the driveway clear was working until I noticed the pine tree was drooped so far over from the weight that it was resting on the van---even in the middle of the driveway. Here is the tree below on Monday.