Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bucket List Part 2

 #21 Visit Hadrian's Wall 1985
It was so cold in June that we had to buy gloves at a local store.

#20 Take the Kids to Europe
Top left photo is Port Isaac in England, bottom right is Linderhof in Germany
#22 Take kids on a train
Britannia Express 1985 took us from Netherlands to Munich, Germany.  We had a sleeper with triple bunks.  I never slept a wink thinking we would be stopped at the border for passports.  But, apparently we were in a sealed car and just sailed through.

#23 Live overseas
Photo with students in Memmingen Germany 1967.  To be fair, they were just 1-2 years younger than I was since Gymnasium in Germany goes to the 14th grade.  And, I should have been a Junior or Senior in college.
#24 Go to City Museum
We went with Tom, Donna, Meredith and Glen in 1998.  They couldn't believe the creativity but also worried about the quality of the work and their safety (see bus upper right)
 #25 Visit Savannah, Georgia
We went with Rachel, Kyle and Brett in 2003.  It is as beautiful as I'd heard but the cobblestones. . . .
 #26 Visit Ancestral Home
Park Hall, Healaugh, Yorkshire, England---Alderson Family Home. (Dave's grandmother's family)  Home after 286 years.  We located villages where my family lived but could never pinpoint exactly where they lived.  But still, loved walking the streets of these villages.

 #27. Weigh below 140 lbs.
#28. Stay with Weight Watchers for 6 months.
Photos were 1998 an 2000 Founder's Day Banquets

#30 Take a Cruise
This was our first---a Caribbean cruise in 1996 for our 25th anniversary

 #29 Snorkel in the Caribbean
Actually Dave and I had snorkeled on the 1996 cruise, but we snorkeled with the girls in Cancun also.
 #31 Ride a Double-decker Bus
Actually we usually do that on our first day in London (when we are sleep deprived) but this photos is from Rachel and Kyle's wedding transportation.

#32 Stay in a B & B in the USA
We made a habit of staying in them in Europe with the kids and thought it would be fun to do it in USA.  What were we thinking?  We took 6 kids (ours and Tom and Donna's) to this sleepy little inn in New Hampshire)

 #33 Visit Taliesin in Arizona
Having read Fountainhead, I became interested in Frank Lloyd Wright.  Living near Fallingwater increased my interest.  We visited Taliesin (not really pictured here) in 1997.  We have video tapes for more information.

 #34 Visit Charleston, South Carolina
This was part of a family reunion excursion out to Ft. Sumter.  White haired man is  Uncle Hale, with Michelle, Don, Don, Dave, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel 1983
 #35 Visit Washington D.C.
White House, July 1982

 #36 Go White Water Rafting
1997 Pigeon Forge
Dave, Meredith Me
Rachel, Rebecca, Leah
#37 Take the kids to California
We usually went at Christmas to visit with Dave's parents 1985 and 1986 
 #38 Take the kids to NYC
1986 Statue of Liberty
 #39 Go to Switzerland
Being a fan of Heidi, I took German just so I could go to Switzerland.  Visited Bern in 1966 and Luzern in 1967.  Had my first fondue here.  Have since discovered Dave and I both have ancestors from Switzerland!
 #40 See the pyramids of Mexico
While the girls learned to scuba, Dave and I took an excursion to Chichen Itza.  We climbed to the top---coming down was the challenge!

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Between Two Worlds

Most of my life, I've considered it fortunate that I was just ahead of the Baby-boom. Generally, the Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 after the fathers returned from World War II. It was a huge population explosion that has reverberated through American society.

This blog will be part history, part memories, part reflections of a retired teacher, but active "Senior". I have always felt like I straddled two generations forming a bridge. Sometimes I think like a baby-boomer, but sometimes I'm locked into my parents' Depression era thinking. I'm a dichotomy of two eras. But, I'm always ready to try something new---so here I am dipping my toes in the water of Blogworld.