Friday, December 19, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things. . .

OK, so now everyone thinks I'm the Grinch---OK, I hate the shopping and waiting in lines (and I do have this antenna topper), but besides family get-togethers, there are some things I enjoy.
I enjoy the outdoor lights on people's homes. (Display above is my display which took me an entire day to put up---I have NO outdoor electric outlets. It's a masterpiece of extension cords---I can't have any going across walkways---tripping hazard) I love driving around and looking at all the lights from the comfort of my car. For some reason, I don't really enjoy the big Holiday Light Displays---I think the surprise and magic is missing. To drive through a dark neighborhood and then, see the little bursts of light is wonderful.
A church Christmas Pageant is one of my favorite holiday traditions. There's nothing like the joy in a child's Christmas pageant . . .
. . .especially when "kids will be kids" and they seem to have lost their direction (worth zooming in.)

Despite the costs of printing and postage, I love getting Christmas cards. . .

Maybe, I love them too much. Buried in my Christmas decorations closet, I found an entire large box filled with OLD Christmas cards sent to us---filed by year.

And, yes, I did throw many of them out, but not before I found some wonderful gems. . .like Christmas cards from our two living grandparents in 1971---Ellice Morgan and Roy Long, and many notes from my great aunts who died many years ago. It felt like an archaeological excavation with moments of great joy and great sadness.

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Between Two Worlds

Most of my life, I've considered it fortunate that I was just ahead of the Baby-boom. Generally, the Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 after the fathers returned from World War II. It was a huge population explosion that has reverberated through American society.

This blog will be part history, part memories, part reflections of a retired teacher, but active "Senior". I have always felt like I straddled two generations forming a bridge. Sometimes I think like a baby-boomer, but sometimes I'm locked into my parents' Depression era thinking. I'm a dichotomy of two eras. But, I'm always ready to try something new---so here I am dipping my toes in the water of Blogworld.