Saturday, September 20, 2008

Middle of the Road

I am very middle of the road, uncomfortable with extremists---not just political or religious extremists but all kinds of extremists. I don’t run or pump iron---I do water aerobics and Pilates. I’m not the life of the party, nor do I sit in the corner---I go to those in the corner and talk to them. When I go out, I don’t drink Margaritas or iced tea—I’ll sip on a glass of beer or wine most of the evening.
My first, middle, last, maiden names are all between J and M in the middle of the alphabet. I taught middle school. I’ve lived most of my life in the middle of the country and now live mid-street in a middle suburb. Even my genetics are pretty middle of the road---a blend of at least six nationalities. My ancestors were Yankees and Rebels who lived in the middle states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri.

I taught my middle of the road values to my children---dabble in everything but don’t go over-board in anything. I encouraged them to make B’s, play sports, participate in the arts, go to church, have a little fun. Stay balanced. Be "Best All-Around" not "Most Likely to Succeed".

Life lessons have made me lean a little to the left while standing on the line---I lived in Gemany, taught English to immigrants (k-adult), was a public school teacher specializing in students who were not successful. “Leave me alone, do your own thing, stand on your own feet, get your hands out of my pocket, God helps those who help themselves, teach a man to fish” are my mottoes.

I was hoping to vote for a Presidential candidate who was more middle of the road, or at least one who could reach across the aisle and shake hands with the opposing party. I said this summer, I’d wait until VP candidates were selected and then see which team was the most balanced, the most willing to govern our country---not polarize it.

To me, the Obama-Biden team are the most willing to build bridges not tear them down. Sarah Palin is the most polarizing candidate I've ever seen on a ballot---I can't see a "Barracuda" or a "Bulldog" building bridges or shaking hands across the aisle.

Despite my saying I was a moderate, I decided to take a couple of quizzes to see if I was as middle of the road as I thought. Well, I now officially “belong” to Centerville.

My first quiz, on the Facebook Moral Politics, showed me a little on the conservative side.

“The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible):

1. System: Conservatism
2. Ideology: Capital Republicanism
3. Party: Republican Party
4. Presidents: Gerald Ford
5. 04' Election: John Kerry
6. 08' Election: John McCain [sure, before Sarah Palin was added to the ticket]

Of the 478,329 respondents (5,631 on Facebook):

1. 6% are close to you.
2. 15% are more conservative.
3. 25% are more liberal.”

I also took a test on which had me
a little on the liberal side---not far from Ralph Nader!

Finally I took this quiz and I became an official member of Centerville.

Here's another very good web-site to check on the "truthiness" of politicians' claims.

1 comment:

hear.t. and hue said...

back in the day when we were playing "what shall i wear" i'd have thought you'd jump at the chance to vote for a woman vp!

thanks for the skateboard pic... plaid pants + a skateboard = HOTTIE!

Between Two Worlds

Most of my life, I've considered it fortunate that I was just ahead of the Baby-boom. Generally, the Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 after the fathers returned from World War II. It was a huge population explosion that has reverberated through American society.

This blog will be part history, part memories, part reflections of a retired teacher, but active "Senior". I have always felt like I straddled two generations forming a bridge. Sometimes I think like a baby-boomer, but sometimes I'm locked into my parents' Depression era thinking. I'm a dichotomy of two eras. But, I'm always ready to try something new---so here I am dipping my toes in the water of Blogworld.