Friday, March 6, 2009

Critters in Winter

There are two things I enjoy doing in the winter---putting together a jig-saw puzzle and watching the birds and critters outside my sunroom window.
My favorites are the bright red cardinals that give some color to a winter day.
The doves settle for the dropped seed from the feeders.
These sparrows were in my bushes one c-o-l-d winter sunrise.
The wrens are so cute and perky.
The squirrels are quite comical---this one is trying to get into the suet feeder.
This one is perched on the bird feeder trying to figure out how to get to the seed.
Finally, I gave up and put some food out for the squirrels so they'd stay out of the feeders.

I was quite surprised to see this hawk/falcon sitting outside my kitchen window having lunch one day on one of my doves I suspect. I guess the birds are "sitting ducks" for the hawk.

Speaking of ducks, even more surprising was seeing about 8 ducks in all one day (one females and five males above---the others had just taken off)
But, now they've paired up, are chasing the squirrels off and eating their food. . . .there is justice in God's world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your nice photos. I like to use photos on my blog, too.

I just wrote about "How to Buy a Dishwasher" and included a photo of my 30-year-old dishwasher.

My blog is The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide at


Between Two Worlds

Most of my life, I've considered it fortunate that I was just ahead of the Baby-boom. Generally, the Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 after the fathers returned from World War II. It was a huge population explosion that has reverberated through American society.

This blog will be part history, part memories, part reflections of a retired teacher, but active "Senior". I have always felt like I straddled two generations forming a bridge. Sometimes I think like a baby-boomer, but sometimes I'm locked into my parents' Depression era thinking. I'm a dichotomy of two eras. But, I'm always ready to try something new---so here I am dipping my toes in the water of Blogworld.