Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Davis!

Davis, I can hardly believe it's been 5 years since the photo above was taken! You have changed so much since then!
You draw so well that. . .
Your mom made invitations from your drawing!
You're a gracious host with so many friends!
You eat like a little gentleman---You are so grown-up!
OK, you are just 5 years old---you can get a little crazy on your birthday! We love you!

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Between Two Worlds

Most of my life, I've considered it fortunate that I was just ahead of the Baby-boom. Generally, the Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 after the fathers returned from World War II. It was a huge population explosion that has reverberated through American society.

This blog will be part history, part memories, part reflections of a retired teacher, but active "Senior". I have always felt like I straddled two generations forming a bridge. Sometimes I think like a baby-boomer, but sometimes I'm locked into my parents' Depression era thinking. I'm a dichotomy of two eras. But, I'm always ready to try something new---so here I am dipping my toes in the water of Blogworld.