We originally started having the ABC Sale for a little extra money to give to various charitable organizations within and outside our church. But, one year we had such beautiful furniture that we were inspired to improve on our own church decorating with some of the furniture and use some of the money for paint, window treatments and some art.
The benefits of a Rummage Sale are not just financial, though.
First, we are doing a service to our elderly who are trying to down-size---it gives them an excuse to clean out those closets and the basement.
Second, we are doing a service for the middle-aged--it gives them something meaningful to do and it's a great fellowship occasion.
Third, the youth become involved helping us with heavy loads, sorting and setting up and the big job of clean-up.
Fourth, we give all of the left-overs to charitable groups ranging from the Assistance League to Room at the Inn.
Fifth, we have funds to donate to our charities and to church groups for mission trips.
Sixth, it gives local people and families an opportunity to get great
Seventh, it helps us all recycle goods.
Eighth, it brings all sorts of people into the church. Some may be looking for a church home; some may come a few days later for some pastoral counseling and, yes, some my steal our soap dispensers. They will all get our prayers.
Neat... amazing what people just donating their TIME & UNWANTED ITEMS can lead to. Looks like there'd be hardly any COST - just all PROFIT.
I was wondering how that soap dispenser got into my bag...
(just joking)
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