Saturday, November 1, 2008

Leaves, Now

The leaves have been spectacular this year---I don't recall ever seeing them this beautiful in Missouri. The downside of this beauty is: what do you do with the leaves?

In our community, we are fortunate that we have several options. The easiest is to simply rake (or blow) them in the street and let the street department vacuum and mulch them.

The next easiest is to mow the leaves and "mulch" them naturally into the lawn. On the right has been "mulch-mowed".
I, also, put the leaves into my garden, tilling them under in the spring.
Neighbors of ours also bag their leaves to be picked up on Fridays with "yard wastes".
With all of these wonderful ecologically friendly methods of leaf disposal, I still miss the old fashioned way. . .(to be continued)

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Between Two Worlds

Most of my life, I've considered it fortunate that I was just ahead of the Baby-boom. Generally, the Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 after the fathers returned from World War II. It was a huge population explosion that has reverberated through American society.

This blog will be part history, part memories, part reflections of a retired teacher, but active "Senior". I have always felt like I straddled two generations forming a bridge. Sometimes I think like a baby-boomer, but sometimes I'm locked into my parents' Depression era thinking. I'm a dichotomy of two eras. But, I'm always ready to try something new---so here I am dipping my toes in the water of Blogworld.